4 fool-proof ways to drive traffic to your new website

Launching a website

There’s nothing quite like launching a fresh, new website – especially as a small or new business. After all, your website is part of your public image and your most important digital marketing asset. But, what happens after you’ve hit the publish button?

Your traffic can, and will, grow organically once your site is online but it’s likely to take a long time for you to see the growth you’re really looking for without boosting it yourself. Thankfully, there’s a wealth of easy-to-follow options for driving traffic to your website. We’ve explored some of these options below:

Option #1: Work on your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is the heart of any solid digital strategy. Put simply, it’s a staple of on-page and off-page techniques which can help you bring organic (i.e. not paid) traffic to your website. Quality SEO will bring your website higher in the search results when users look for your target keywords, meaning more traffic for you. It sounds scary and complicated but this easy to follow guide will get you started on the basics. Once you understand the basics, keeping your website up to date with fresh content is the best way to play your SEO-game!

Option #2: Create a content strategy

Another great way to keep people coming back to your website is to frequently publish interesting and engaging content. In fact, a solid content strategy is really the backbone of successful digital marketing. The great thing about content production is that it’s low-cost (or free if you’re willing to put pen to paper) and easy to do if you leverage your industry knowledge. Create a plan of the types of content you think your visitors would find interesting or useful and set up a calendar for when you want to post each article or page.

Option #3: Explore the world of guest blogging

Here’s a method of traffic generation which can bring traffic to your site in two different ways. By doing a little outreach and working with related websites, you can arrange guest blog posts whereby you write some content for them, and they allow you to link back to your website. Not only will this bring relevant traffic to your site, but it’ll also generate backlinks which are an essential ingredient to quality SEO.

Option #4: If you’re in a rush, try some paid ads

While the strategies we’ve shared so far are all proven and effective, they can take a little time to reap the traffic rewards. SEO, for example, can take a few weeks or even months to start showing positive results. If you need traffic faster than this, PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising is always an option. With a program like Google Ads or Facebook Ads, you can bid a small amount of money to place your ad higher up in the search results. It can be a great way to give your new business a jumpstart.

If you’re having trouble driving traffic to your website, try out one or more of these ideas and you’ll soon start to see some positive results. And if you’re yet to build the website of your dreams, why not try out Go Sitebuilder today? It’s the easiest way to create a professional website for your business – no technical skills required!

What are the best new website launch campaigns?

Website launch campaigns

Are you nearing the end of creating your very first website or perhaps a website redesign? Have you thought about how you’re going to share your beautiful new site with the world?

The best way to introduce your stylish new website design is with a website launch campaign. A great launch campaign can help new and existing customers discover your business website and start turning visitors into customers.

Website launch campaign using Go Sitebuilders website builder

What is a website launch campaign?

But what is it? A website launch campaign is simply a communications marketing strategy to introduce a website launch. It generally consists of messaging before the launch as well as after to generate traffic to the new website. Something all successful strategies have in common is that they are responsive to changing website traffic. A great way to ensure you can be flexible in responding to customer needs is to use a website builder that allows you to create and update your website via your smartphone. But this isn’t the only important strategy!

Our experts take a look at some of the most successful strategies for introducing your newly launched website:

Special discounts

A special offers themed launch campaign is highly effective at bringing in new and old customers alike. It is a particularly popular approach with e-commerce sites, where there are ample opportunities to encourage users to complete an action of value. Some customers will actively seek out websites that offer these discounts (like free shipping or 20% off) which make for a highly effective website launch.


Everyone loves the opportunity to win something, and this can be used positively in a website launch campaign. A well-run competition can do more than introduce users to your new website, it can also encourage your visitors to check out key pages on your website. For example, you might run a website scavenger hunt. This offers visitors the chance to win a prize or discount, whilst ensuring that they explore pages of your website – driving people to read, click and interact with your new site. 

Showcasing content

It is really important that you think about the content that you want your visitors to see during your website launch. Do you want them to understand more about your business and brand story, or is it more important that they view your products straight away? Whatever your goal, users rarely explore the full website themselves, so make sure you highlight important content and pages.

Two popular ways of doing this are to either:

  1. Create a showcasing video of the important new content
  2. Create a landing page dedicated to the launch of your new website. The landing page could highlight all of the important content you want people to see and drive them to click through to other pages of your website.
Homepage of a website launch using Go Sitebuilders website builder

These are just some of the great campaign tactics you can consider when launching your website. Even if you decide to try other types of campaigns, remember it’s always important to take a step back and give yourself some time between finishing your website and sharing it with the world!

“Lots of my customers have commented on how easy it was to find and use my website – that wouldn’t be possible without Go Sitebuilder and my own domain name.”

Polly Evans – pollyevanshypnotherapy.com

If you still haven’t created your dream site or are thinking of starting something newtry Go Sitebuilder free for 14-days and see just how easy it is to build your own website with no technical skills needed!

3 inspiring event website designs and must-have features

Events websites

Are you looking to create a stand-out events website? If you’re starting from scratch, or simply looking to freshen up an existing website, it’s a good idea take a look at some of the industry’s best for design and content inspiration. Check out three of the UK’s biggest event websites below:

1. Glastonbury Festival

As soon as you visit the Glastonbury website, you are greeted by the warm colours that beam from their header image. With the infamous landscape and sunset design – the graphic is a mirage of what attendees can expect to enjoy in the summer.

Below this, you are drawn to a rainbow of uneven and clickable menu headings, each a little imperfect, replicating the colourful event shacks that attendees will see during their time at the festival. This is a great way to display consistency, letting the website viewers get an idea on what to expect at the actual event.

The colours and art style create a ‘Glastonbury vibe’, giving you an insight into the place where you’ll be wanting to spend a few warm summer evenings. The homepage clearly highlights all the upcoming artists for the years festival, teasing users to what is in store. It’s easy at first glance to be excited, so it’s clear why so many people click straight to the ‘shop’ icon.

Another great feature on the Glastonbury website is the access information page. It features a very recognisable hero image of different disability awareness symbols; a quick and friendly way to show users that they are an all-inclusive event. The access page has a larger font for those with limited visibility and information on how to get into contact with the team with any queries.

2. The Jockey Club – Grand National 2020

Separated by an array of tonal grey boxes, the Jockey Club website is easy to navigate thanks to its simplicity.

Firstly, the heading for each tab is written in capitals, with a contrasting font against the background to get your attention. Each event tab also features key dates, itinerary and various package options. The information is displayed neatly and effectively. This creates an easy to navigate customer journey, allowing the user to find the information they are looking for. The Jockey Club’s website has been broken up in a way that is easy to understand. They have achieved this by using a comfortable amount of white space along with H1, H2, H3 headings. Their content starts with catchy headings, followed by slightly more information, and then an area which allows users to read in-depth about the event. This is a classic strategy with many benefits – but key in getting people to read your website.

3. Social Media Week London

Another exceptional website for events is Social Media Week London. It has a tasteful colour palette with a pop. The website makes great use of white space and grey/lilac tones to draw users to key bits of information.

On their homepage, they use icons to create an easy and effective way to convey information to the site users; such as a globe icon with ’20+ countries’ for people to recognise that this is a global event. Not only is this a great form of quick communication, but it also ties in together with their look and feel.

If you select the three-line menu navigation, a simple plain red pop up filters in front of the page, with short and snappy headings for you to click on, making for easy navigation.
Finally, they use a running banner which scrolls along with the website, which – if you are running an event with sponsors – is a great way to promote them and show potential attendees who may be coming!

So there you have it, our top 3 event website designs and their top features. If you’re looking to construct an eye-catching event website quickly, easily and affordably then start a free trial with Go Sitebuilder – no credit card or technical skills required!

The step-by-step guide to SEO audits for new websites

Female sitting on the floor up against her sofa working on her laptop

Creating a new website for your business is an exciting, rewarding, and motivating experience. Once you’re happy with the look and content of your website it’s time to launch and start bringing in new leads and customers. One great way to start off strong is with a Search Engine Optimisation audit.

To some small businesses Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can sound scary and complicated, but you’re more competent than you think you are! We’ve broken down a list of things you can do to examine the SEO of your new website (without too much stress!).

Step 1: Review your page titles and structure

SEO is all about ensuring that your website ranks highly in search results for your target keywords or terms. For this reason, you need to make sure that your page titles or browser titles include specific keywords (e.g. if you sell golf clubs you might want to use the keyword: “golf club store”) and that they’re structured in a way which includes these terms on every page.

Step 2: Ensure page content is optimised for SEO

Even more important than the titles of each of your website’s pages is the text content they contain. Not only should this encourage visitors to want to engage with your business and check out other pages, but it should also be clearly geared towards the keywords and phrases that you’ve decided on. Remember to never “stuff” your content with these words, but definitely ensure they’re the focus within the content.

Step 3: Check that your site is secure

Back in 2014, Google made it clear that it would give a slight SEO boost to websites which use SSL. Essentially this is a form of security which encrypts the data users enter on the site. It’s especially useful for e-commerce websites, but all sites should really be using SSL with the “https://” prefix if they want to maximise their SEO results and build credibility for their brand.

If you’re wondering what SSL is or why your small business needs it, click here for an easy to follow guide.

Step 4: Create (or verify) your sitemap

Sitemaps are a core part of the ‘back-end’ of SEO and are – as the name suggests – a list of all the pages on your website. They usually come in the form of .xml files and can usually be found by simply adding “sitemap.xml” to the end of any domain. If you already have a sitemap on your website, double-check that it’s up to date as part of your SEO audit.

Step 5: Submit your site to Google’s index

One critical step that a lot of new websites forget is to actually submit their URL to Google. This can be done via the free Google Search Console tool which anyone can sign up for. Once your site is verified, you’ll be able to submit your URL to Google for indexing, at which point Google could visit at any time to add you to the search results. The Google Search Console is also a critical tool in the toolbox of any good SEO practitioner – so give it a go.

Follow these simple steps and your new website will be well on the way to search engine success. Still in the planning stages for your new website? If so, Go Sitebuilder can help you launch quickly with SEO features built right in. Start with a 14-day free trial and see just how easy it is to build your own website and get started with your SEO basics.

How do I promote my new website launch?

Website Launch Plans

The launch of a new website is an exciting proposition for any business, but in order to ensure it goes off with a bang, you will need to plan and execute the pre-launch process carefully. We’ve put together a list of tried and tested expert tips to follow to help you promote your new website.

Build anticipation

Now is the perfect time to start building buzz around your brand! You’ll want to begin by growing your customer base – especially if you’re a new business. You can choose a traditional route such as printing newspaper ads, or a more current direction by using social media. Just make sure, whatever method you choose, it’s a direct line to your target audience so you’re communicating effectively.

Another great way to build up some hype before your launch is to reach out to an email list. Emails can be beautiful works of art that let you relay your message to a group of people all at once. You can use emails to tease or share more information about your launch, products and services. Using beautiful images or including gifs will ensure your emails captivate your audience.

Utilise social media

Every business should make the most of social media to build brand awareness and increase audience numbers, whether they already have a website or not. However, if you’re launching a new site, using social media is a highly effective strategy to promote this event and stoke up excitement for the launch.
Create pages on social media platforms most frequented by your target audiences and regularly drip-feed information about your new website launch to create relationships with your customers and build up the anticipation. As well as detailing when the site will be launched, include information about what you’ll offer, what the site will contain and what visitors can expect.

Tease audiences with snippets from your new website, such as a sneak preview of some images, videos or blogs. Include offers or promotions for the first number of people who visit or purchase from your site once it’s launched.

As well as promoting your launch on popular sites such as Facebook or Instagram, the power of video cannot be ignored, so consider making short videos on YouTube talking about key aspects of your new website and the launch.

Start blogging

You might not be able to blog on your new site yet, but that doesn’t mean to say you can’t post on another related site. Create a guest blog post about your new website launch to feature on a site that your target audience is likely to follow. Include a link to your website and the dates of the launch so that visitors can click on it on the big day. As well as guest blogging, you might also wish to pay an influencer to promote details of your new website launch or consider creating some press release copy.

Timing is crucial, however. If you release a guest blog post or PR copy about your launch, make sure that it hits audiences close to the launch date. If you post too early, audiences may forget about it, but if you post too late, the momentum may be lost.

Now that you know everything that you need to when it comes to promoting your new site all that’s left to do, is to start (and finish) building it! Try Go Sitebuilder FREE for 14-days – no credit card required!

How to start your own electrician business

Building an electrician business

Have you really hit it off with your clientele or developed your skills to an exceptional level? Or, maybe it’s just simply time to make a change. Whatever your reason for starting your own electrician business, this is an exciting time, so, where do you start? We’ve put together a list of 4 simple steps to have your electrician business up and running in no time.

1. Build a client base

You may already have a client base; people who come to you regularly to carry out any necessary work. If you have not yet built a client base, this is an important and exciting step, as this will be where your day-to-day work will come from. There are many ways to network and build this client base. Start by using social media, marketing your services within your local area and sign up directories such as Yell and Checkatrade.

Contractors are also an ideal pitch for electricians, as this can often mean repeat business when they are contracted on an allocated job. For example, you could contact a construction company, advertising your services, and offering to be an external contractor within their project. 

Building relationships with clients and contractors may take a bit of time, but it will be worth it. Getting good reviews, recommendations and photos of the brilliant work you’ve completed will be very helpful in the future success of your business.

2. Ensure your qualifications are up to date

When starting your own business, one thing that is often checked is your credentials – by clients and potential investors. This is simply a way for people to quickly verify your skills. After all, people will want to be sure that you are able to do the job and feel confident in your abilities. With the knowledge that you have obtained, along with the necessary qualifications, they will be able to trust that you are truly a specialist within your trade. Having the necessary education and qualification is a must to be an electrician, or to simply run an electrician business, it’s required by law.

3. Insurance is essential

This is a step you won’t want to miss – making sure you’re covered is key! Property, vans and people could be at risk when carrying out electrical work and good insurance can put your mind at ease. There are a number of different types of insurance coverage that are offered to business owners. So, make sure to do your research or speak to a professional to find the right fit for you. Don’t forget to insure your tools and equipment as well – they’re the heart and soul of your trade after all!

4. Build your online presence

More and more people are comparing services online, not only by price but by customer satisfaction and professionalism. Online reviews and websites are a key part of this, and thereby, a strong online presence is a must. You could potentially be losing out on clients if you do not have a website. Or, if your website is somewhat basic, difficult to use, or isn’t mobile-friendly potential customers could start looking at your competitors instead. A website with a good design, which features reviews, contact methods and images of previous work will show potential clients that your services are just what they’re looking for. A website can also help potential customers understand what other services you provide, as well as your ability to work to a specific idea or demand.

If you are looking to build a website then look no further, we’re here to help you create a professional and unique site to promote your electrician business. Start with a 14-day free trial and see what you can build today – no technical skills required!

What is the easiest website builder for beginners?

Choosing the easiest website builder

Deciding to build a website can be a daunting prospect. After all, you may not know where to start. For a beginner, using a website builder is the quickest way to create one as you don’t need to know about coding or website design. Before diving into constructing your own website you’ll want to understand a bit more about them and how they work.

What exactly is a website builder?

A website builder is a simple and effective tool to create a website. There is often no need to have expert knowledge of website design. You simply just need the information that you wish to include on your site – giving you the ultimate control over your online presence.

How does a website builder work?

Like a lot of current website builders, Go Sitebuilder uses a drag and drop system and beautifully designed pre-built sections. This is perfect for beginners as there is no need for any experience in coding, and you can customise your site based on the look you want. There is a huge library of templates and sections to pick from providing you with an unlimited amount of design options to suit your brand. This makes it the best choice for beginners.

Your own domain and email

You want people to be able to find your website just by searching your company name, which is where domain names come in. With Go Sitebuilder, you can have a specific domain name, which will give your site a professional and credible look. A domain name is unique to your website and company, meaning there are no two domains which are the same.

Finally, some things to remember when building your first website:

  • Pick the right website builder – Most website builders will have a free trial so make sure it’s easy to use and fits into your busy schedule.
  • Know what you want – Think about your audience and the way you want them to interact with your site.
  • Make sure you’re supported – Ensure your website builder has an expert support team who are there to offer advice throughout the process.
  • Have fun! – This is your chance to promote yourself, so don’t forget to enjoy the experience!

We’ve created Go Sitebuilder to be the easiest website builder for small businesses. If you’re looking to give your business the web presence it deserves, check out Our14-day free trial and see just how easy it is.

What’s the easiest way to build a website?

Black male sat at a desk building a website online with Go Sitebuilder

Whether you’re starting a new business or simply have a hobby you’re passionate about, a website is an excellent way to share it with the world. But, when it comes to actually build a website, the options can seem a little bit daunting. If you’re looking for the easiest way to build a website, this article is for you.

Here are 4 different ways to get your website up and running – starting with the most difficult:

4. Most difficult: Doing it the old-fashioned way

Let’s begin with the most time-intensive option on our list: doing it all yourself by hand. This option will be almost exclusively reserved for the technically minded among us, but – put simply – anyone can build a website using HTML and CSS code. In fact, just by writing a couple of lines of text in a text document, you can technically build a functioning website. But if you’d prefer an option which doesn’t require learning to code, read on…

3. Slightly less difficult: Install a Content Management System and use a theme

A content management system, or CMS, is essentially a piece of software you can install on your own website which allows you to build a website more easily. WordPress is perhaps the most popular example, offering countless themes which can get you started quite quickly. That said, actually finding a theme which is suitable for your needs can take time, and you’ll find that your website may look similar to many others. A CMS is certainly fast, but they often require updates and the majority rely on third-party plug-ins to provide enough functionality.

2. Getting easier: Work with a dedicated web designer

If you want to go to the other extreme and have a completely hands-off website building experience, you can find a web designer or developer. There are many freelancers out there who will be able to help, but you’ll need to be very detailed about what it is you want. Your brief will need to be quite precise so that the designer can make your vision come to life, which can be quite time-consuming. Also, because you’re hiring a real person to help, this can also be a quite expensive option.

1. The easiest way to do it: Use a do-it-yourself website builder

Now we arrive at what is perhaps the easiest option for those who want a unique website which is also simple to build. Using a website builder, you don’t have to worry about writing a single line of code or browsing through endless themes. You can simply drag and drop the text and images you want on your website and make things look exactly how you want them. With a website builder, your site can be launched in a matter of hours – and it’ll look great, too. You’ll have complete control over your content, time and expenses.

Now that you know just how easy it can be to create your own website, why not give it a go yourself? In fact, with Go Sitebuilder’s free trial, you can discover the ease of building a website without spending a penny.

What is the best website builder?

A woman choosing the best website builder

If you are looking to build a website to create a personal online presence or to launch a new business idea, you’ll want to get the best one you can for an easily affordable price. Of course, there are literally hundreds of website builders to choose from so it can be somewhat confusing in terms of knowing which one to use. So, here’s our take on it.

First of all, don’t go cheap and cheerful. There are plenty of free site builders out there, but at the end of the day, you only get what you pay for. Free website templates may look good, but they don’t have enough flexibility built into them, and they don’t have much by way of technical support.

Expect user-friendly support

A lot of people will turn off at the mention of technical support. They fear they will be bombarded with meaningless jargon. That is not what you should expect from a top-line site builder. You have a right to expect user-friendly support that is helpful for complete newbies who know nothing about website construction, or that is useful to those who have a bit of basic knowledge but need a helping hand.

What defines a good website builder?

A good website builder gives you everything that you require in one complete package to build a professional-looking and performing website. Of course, it has to be simple to use. Ideally, it should also do a bit more than just give you the wherewithal to create the perfect website. It should also offer you a domain name, personalised email addresses, an online store (if you need one), and a blog. But there is something else that turns a good site builder into an exceptional one, and that is the quality of the customer service and experience.

Look for customer care that really cares

The majority of website building services only pay lip service to the customer experience. The product is generally good but the customer service merely suffices. What you need to find is a site builder that really cares about each individual client and their unique needs.

Here at Go Sitebuilder, our mission statement is to inspire and guide people to success online, and that is indeed what we do. It’s not just about providing you with a product. It’s about providing a complete package to help you realise your goal. Our customers are at the very heart of everything we do.

If you’re still unsure where to start with your website, drop us some questions at marketing@gositebuilder.com or simply get started with a free trial and use the live chat option to talk to our friendly customer success team.

Creating a website for selling products

Woman shopping online

With more and more people choosing to shop online, having a website where you can sell your products is an invaluable way to increase your customer base. But, with so much competition on the internet, priority should be given to how you create and design your eCommerce website if you want it to succeed.

Always put the user first

When creating a website for selling products, step into the mindset of your users. Think about what you sell and who your target audiences are. Once you know who your users are, you should create your site with them in mind. Every style element you choose, from the fonts, to the choice of colours, images and text should be considered based on who you are trying to target. For example, if you sell beauty or fashion products, you should pay attention to the visual aspects of the design, creating a fun or informal feel, whereas if you’re selling something like financial products, your website should take on a more formal and informative tone.

Responsive design is critical

Gone are the days when consumers only use their desktop computers for purchasing items online. These days, smartphones and tablets have taken over, as more and more people use a variety of devices for internet shopping. In order to create a good user-experience when selling your wares online, responsive web design is key. This is where your website will adapt to suit the particular device that it is being viewed on so that it is easy to browse, scroll and navigate.

Create an easy, secure shopping experience

Make the online shopping process as seamless and straightforward as possible. Use text and images to accompany each product and state the prices clearly. Include your terms and conditions, and use a payment system that is reliable, safe and secure.

Include testimonials

Adding customer reviews and testimonials to your website helps to give your brand credibility, and these can prove a really worthwhile selling strategy. Try to include the reviews next to each relevant product you sell so that they are easy to spot by potential customers.

Make contact details easily accessible

Online shoppers like the reassurance of knowing that if they need to get in touch with a website business, they can easily do so. Make sure your contact details are easy to find on your website and are up to date. Include a variety of options for contacting you, including phone, email and an address. Good customer service is crucial, so always respond promptly to any queries you receive.

Building an eCommerce website is easier than you think. Go Sitebuilder has been created and designed with busy small businesses in mind – discover how you can create an online site today.