How do I make images load faster on my website?

A male and a female business owners stood in a shop looking at a tablet device. Both are wearing aprons and smiling

Everyone hates a slow website – according to an Akamai Technologies survey, 47% of customers expect a page to load in less than two seconds. When it comes to the internet, we’re used to getting results quickly, and we don’t like to be kept waiting. If the images on your site don’t load quickly, it’s likely that traffic to your site will simply click off, potentially preventing you from making a sale. 

Not only is this bad for business, but it is also bad for SEO – if high numbers of people are clicking off your site, Google will pick up on your bounce rate and deem your content to be of low value, consequently lowering your ranking on its search engines. Don’t worry – speeding up the load time of your images isn’t as complicated as it seems. We’ve broken down some of the best ways to make your images load faster when building your site.

1. Remove unnecessary images 

According to a report from the HTTP Archive, a typical website should request between 28 to 32 images when it loads the page. Of course, some images are necessary, as if you have an ecommerce site you’ll want to display the products you’re selling. However, if you have multiple images of the same product, or added in unnecessary images simply for web design purposes, you might want to consider removing these. 

When considering what images you want to keep on your website, ask yourself the following to help you form a criteria of what to keep and what to remove:

  • Does my image send out a message?
  • Does it evoke any feelings?
  • Will it help sell my products?
  • Does it emphasise a point?
  • Does it add to my brand?

Pictures of text, or stock images, should be on the first of your list to remove: even if you think they really add something to your site, the likelihood is that they are of little value, and actually lower the impact of your images by slowing down their load time.

2. Size matters

When building your site, you need to be conscious of the size of the image file you’re uploading into your website builder. Whilst an image might seem relatively small on your website, it could have an unnecessarily large file size, meaning it can slow down not only the load time of the image, but also your website’s. 

Compressing your images is a good way to save bandwidth and improve site speed: running your image through a free image compressor, such as, reduces the file size and is a good way to speed up the load time of your page.

3. Don’t focus too much on image resolution

OK – so you don’t want to be uploading pixelated, blurry images onto your page when you’re building your site. Clear, good-quality images are important as they add to your web design, and also show site visitors that you’re a highly professional business. 

Nevertheless, you don’t want to overcompensate on image resolution: most computer monitors display a maximum of 72 dots per inch (DPI- a measurement of an image’s quality). Anything over this and your image is taking up unnecessary space without really making a difference to the quality of your image, consequently slowing down the speed of your site. 

To check the resolution of your image on Windows, we’ve broken down the steps you need to take to ensure your image resolution isn’t higher than it needs to be.

4. Build a website for all devices 

When building your website, you’ll need to make sure your site is responsive so that users can access it from any device. Considering that 57% of site traffic is now from smartphones and tablets, you’ll want to make sure that your images are responsive: even if it looks great on a desktop, if it isn’t responsive then the image can be slow and of low-quality on a mobile device. 

If you aren’t using a website builder, or your website builder doesn’t include a responsive web design in its bundle, you can make your images responsive yourself. If you’re a whiz at coding, you can provide the browser with a list of variants for a single image and you can tell it which image size to use for different screens. The browser will then load the right image size for  a particular device, based on the layout and device dimensions you’ve provided it with. 

However, if you don’t have the time or the intricate knowledge needed for coding, you might want to consider using a website builder that offers a responsive site. Go Sitebuilder provides ready to go sites which are already responsive on any device, meaning you don’t have to worry about your images loading slowly on different screens.

Our website builder offers fully optimised sites, meaning you don’t have to do all the hard work in ensuring your site loads quickly. Our free 14-day trial lets you experience just how easy-to-use our website builder is – try it today!

How to manage images on your website

Handsome man working remotely researching how to manage images on your website from the coffeehouse on Go sitebuilder

Images are an important part of any website. In fact, websites with images get 94% more views than those without, so if you want to entice potential customers to your site, you can’t ignore them. However, you can’t just upload lots of randomly generated images and hope that it will increase traffic. Check out our blog post on how images enhance a website to see how you can make your images work for you.

Having an image-heavy site could mean that your website homepage becomes slow to load, or could confuse users if the photos aren’t related to your product. We’ve compiled a handy guide to help you manage images so that your visitors will have a great user experience, regardless of how many photos you choose. 

How do I make images load faster on my website?

Google web research says that the best loading time for your website is under three seconds. It’s crucial to make sure that your website loads in this time, as if it takes longer, even between 3-5 seconds, there is a 90% bounce rate. Their research also found that 79% of online shoppers that have trouble with website performance – like slow loading speed – say that they won’t return to that site again. 

Use a loading speed analyser like GTmetrix to see how long your site takes to load – if it’s longer than 3 seconds then read on to find out what you can do!

Image file size

Most often, when you find a picture that you think is perfect for your website, you don’t think about whether it is the right size, and you upload it straight away. It’s good to start with a high-quality image, whether that is your own photo, one from a free stock image website like Pixabay, Pexels and Unsplash, or Go Sitebuilder’s ready-to-use stock image directory. However, to streamline your site you might need to make the images smaller so they don’t take up so much space. 


The resolution of your image refers to the quality of the image and is measured in dots per inch (DPI). The more dots per inch, the better quality your image will be. This is very important when processing images for print, but most computer monitors display a maximum of 72DPI. That means that any image with a higher resolution than 72DPI is overkill; your visitors won’t notice the difference and your image will be taking up unnecessary space. 

To see the resolution of an image on Windows, right click on your image file name and select Properties → Details. Click on the image tab within the window, and you’ll see the DPI labelled horizontal resolution and vertical resolution. On a Mac, open the image in preview and select Tools → Adjust Size and you’ll find the option under resolution. You can use Photoshop or Gimp Image editing software to change the resolution, or an online converter like

Reduce file size even more

Reducing the resolution will also reduce the file size, but to make the file size even smaller, it’s a good idea to put the 72DPI image through an online compressor like Compressor, Tiny PNG or Optimizilla. This drastically reduces your file size but with an almost indiscernible difference in image quality. Don’t believe us? Have a look at the difference:

300DPI image from Pixabay
Reduced to 72DPI
Compressed 72DPI image

Choose the right file type

Most images in websites are found in three file types: PNG, JPG (or JPEG) and GIF. You shouldn’t be uploading any other image files to your website, so if you have a file type you’ve never seen before, open it and click File → Save as and change the file type, or click File → Export as + JPG/PNG/GIF. But which file type should you use for which image?

  • Use JPG for photos and photorealistic images
  • Use PNG for computer generated images and graphics where transparency is required
  • Use GIF for small animations

Top tip – if you’re taking a screenshot it will likely save as PNG. If you’re going to upload it to your website, make sure you export it as a JPG first. Adhering to these simple file type rules will make your images work better for you. 

Optimise your file names and alt-tags

This might be boring, but it’s very important! To help with SEO, you want Google’s crawl bots to look at your site and check that it is all relevant to your topic, and these crawl bots can’t “see” images in the same way we can. So, when it comes across a file name called DSC43953, it is not going to know whether it is related to your business or not. You don’t need to put in a long description, but if you sell bespoke ceramics and your image is called “white-glazed-pot” then search engines will understand what it is. 

The same goes for alt-tags. You should be able to alter these within your website builder, and you want to describe it as if to a friend who is wearing a blindfold, using as few words as possible. Avoid using small words like “a” and “the” as you don’t need them. “White pot on table” is fine. Ideally you want to use your keywords for both file names, but don’t shove it in there if it doesn’t make sense to. 

So, now you know how to manage your images to have a fast-running website, you’re ready to make your own! Try Go Sitebuilder for a super simple website builder that gives you ready made templates to personalise, so you can have a beautiful website up and running in minutes! We offer a 14-day free trial so you can see for yourself – happy building!

How do images enhance a website?

Beautiful girl working from her home researching how do images enhance a website

Imagine a website without images. You can vary the text size and font as much as you want but it’s still not going to be pretty. These days, images are the simplest way to make your website look more visually appealing, but the right images can actually have a significant impact on how users interact with your website. We’re going to look at the different ways images can enhance your website, so you can choose the best photos for your company.

Images look good

Ok, so it’s not just about looking good, but that is an important part of using images. 

The last thing you want from your website is a homepage that is covered in text; users are likely to be overwhelmed and will click off immediately. Instead, try and use a high-quality image that reflects your brand with a call to action in large font; Do you want the visitor to buy your product, download a resource, or contact you?

First impressions are everything; 75% of people base their opinion of a website’s credibility on the web design, so you want to make sure yours stands out. 

Good images increase traffic

If you use high quality, beautiful images on your website, this actually has a significant impact on the likelihood that visitors will turn into customers. Photography provider Pic-Up reported that websites without images got 94% fewer views than those with them, and the more views you get on your site, the more chances you have that they will convert. 

Human beings are very visual creatures and we are drawn to images, which is why we use them so much on websites. It also has marketing results:

  • Increased user engagement. This means users spend more time on the site, making it more likely that they will contact you or purchase your product or service. 
  • Decreased bounce rate. This means that you will move higher up search engine rankings, bringing you more traffic. More traffic means more customers!
  • Well chosen images create a link between the customer and your company. This makes them more likely to convert because they feel a connection with your business.

Images make your brand memorable

To make your brand – and website – memorable, you need to decide on a style that best represents your brand and what your company stands for. Create a collection of quality images that have similar qualities, for example a particular colour theme or lighting style, and use these images across your website, on your office walls, in your brochures and on online directories. This will bring a sense of continuity, consolidate your brand image and make your products and services more memorable. 

You might only have stock images at your disposal, which is fine – Go Sitebuilder has a huge directory of stock images – but try and choose pictures that have qualities or characteristics that connect them – low-light photos, for example, or a minimalist style that makes the most of white space. Research has shown that we remember 80% of what we see, but 20% of what we read, so make sure you don’t get lazy with images!

Product photography drives sales

Never underestimate the power of product photography. First and foremost, having product photos that accurately capture your product aids clarity for your customers. Many online returns are due to the fact that the product looked different online to the item they received, so good product photos result in fewer returns, meaning less time and money wasted. 

Good product photos are also a way to hook in those viewing your site on a mobile device. People on their phones are less likely to have the time or the inclination to read a lengthy product description, so they are going to choose the product image that captures their eye. 

Good photos could make or break a sale. Think about how you shop; if there are two similar products at a comparable price, you’re going to choose either the one with the better picture, or the one that has more photos. A better picture makes you look more professional, and more pictures represents your product better, making you a more trustworthy company to shop from. 

Optimised images are better for SEO

If you optimise your images for SEO then you are more likely to rank higher in search engine results, giving you more traffic. To do this, choose relevant, high quality images and customise the file name. Google’s crawl bots can’t “see” images, so DSC16632 means nothing to them. Change it to something relevant and ideally including a keyword for your business; if you sell jewellery, for example, naming the file “green-necklace” is much more useful. 

This is the same for alt-tags on your images, which are also used by search engines to understand what an image is. You should be able to alter these in your website builder. Top tips: describe the image in a few words as if you were talking to a friend with their back to the screen, don’t include those small words like “on”, “a”, or “the” and don’t start with “image of…” as it’s not necessary. “Woman wearing green necklace” is ideal.

If you’re worried about an image-heavy website slowing down your website speed and making your site laggy, then check out our blog on how to manage images on your website. If you’re ready to create a new site with beautiful images, then try Go Sitebuilder! We have ready to go templates for you to upload your own photos, or you’ll have access to our extensive stock images section. Try our 14 day free trial today!

What is the best free photo editing software?

What is the best free photo editing software?

Got an image that would be perfect for your site if only it wasn’t just a little too dark? Or are you looking to grayscale an image to have as a classy background? Either way, you’re going to need a photo editor, but if you don’t want to pay the monthly fee for Adobe Photoshop, then we’ve compiled a list of some of the best free editing software you can use to make your website look amazing. 


The GNU Image Manipulation Programme (GIMP) is one of the best free photo editors you can find. It’s full of a multitude of tools that you’d find in paid alternatives like Adobe Photoshop, but without needing to spend a penny!

A benefit of GIMP over other photo editors is that it allows you to create layers of edits, and has a smart selection tool if there are specific areas you think need enhancing. It is open-source software, which means there is a large community of users and developers who are constantly creating new features for you to use, but it does involve quite a steep learning curve if you’re completely new to editing images.

InPixio Free

If you’re looking for a quick and simple way to edit your images, then InPixio is the software you’re looking for! It boasts hundreds of one-click filters that you can use to instantly make your image stand out from the crowd. 

It also has automatic online sharing capabilities, which means you can send images to clients or customers with one click, rather than exporting the file first. It also supports all image formats, so from .png to .jpeg, you’re ready to edit!

Adobe Photoshop Express

You’ll have noticed from the name – this is Adobe Photoshop, but pared down to make it available without having to pay a monthly subscription. Designed for easy and fast editing, the software has a one-click auto-fix option, as well as filters, creative borders, and automatic red-eye removal. 

If you want more of a hands-on approach though, there are more intricate tools that can help you edit your image precisely how you want it. 

If you’re planning to build a website and you want it to look as impressive as possible, then why not check out our 14-day free trial? Our own photo editor is easy-to-use with stylish filters, options for stickers, text overlay and much, much more!

What is the best tool to optimise images for the web?

Male wearing a short sleeved blue shirt is sat at a desk typing on this laptop. He has a black watch on his right wrist and a notebook and pen is next to the laptop

Optimising your images before you post them onto the web could be the make or break of your online business. If your image isn’t optimised then your file size is larger, slowing down the speed of your website. This could dramatically affect your search engine optimisation (SEO) ranking – the slower your website, the more likely your image will become congested in google image search traffic. 

Failing to optimise your images is also a huge turn-off for those who do find their way onto your website. Forbes quoted an Aberdeen group study that a one-second delay in website load time could cost you 7% of sales, result in 11% fewer page views and a 16% decrease in satisfied customers. The following tools will help you optimise your images, making sure your website is highly attractive to those who visit your site.

There are lots of ways to optimise your images for your website, and those that optimise for SEO like adding alt text and making sure your images are named correctly can be done within your website builder. However, other important factors like image size, type and dimensions will need to be altered using external software. 

Adobe photoshop

This premium software is a well known classic. It allows you to save your files in different image formats such as JPEG, PNG or GIF. Once you have selected your options, your file size will also be displayed. This is a great option for those who are new to optimizing their images on the web, as it is easy to follow and fairly simple. 


This software reduces image sizing without diminishing any of its original quality. The fact that you can compare your original image against the compressed image is also a big plus, as you can test whether any quality has been lost. Whilst the computerised programme comes with a price tag, you can use their web version for free – another bonus!

Image Optim

Image Optim is a software specific to Mac. It removes unnecessary colours and finds the most suitable compression parameters to ensure no quality is reduced. It pretty much does all the hard work for you. And, luckily, Windows users don’t need to despair – Trimage acts as a promising alternative. 

Now that you have the knowledge needed to optimize your images, it is vital that you utilise these skills when starting your online website. If you’re also unsure how to build your online website then try Go Sitebuilder. Our responsive website builder is designed with small businesses in mind, helping you craft your business into a success. Try Go Sitebuilder today with our 14-week free trial period!

Why is it important to add alt text to your product images?

Photographer adding to her impressive photography website Go Sitebuilder

Product images are one of the key components for success when selling online. Awesome images of your items will show them off in an accurate, flattering way to entice people to buy. While this is something that you may already have integrated into your routine, you may not be making the most of your product images. This is because optimising product images doesn’t end with the upload. The essential concept to understand here is what developers call ‘alt text’. But what is alt text? And, why is it so crucial?

What exactly is alt text?

‘Alt text’ stands for alternative text; the name hints what it is used for. While most people who visit your site will be able to view the images you upload, not everyone can. Consumers with a visual impairment will often use a screen reader to help them shop online. Many screen readers will block product images, and this leaves some customers with no way of understanding how your products look or even what your product is. This is not solely an issue around visual impairment either – some web browsers, may not show product images properly which makes alt text valuable here too.
Alt text solves this problem by adding a text description to your images which can be used in place of the images themselves. Once you have added an alt text description, anyone who cannot see your product images for any reason can still get a good description of how something looks – before they buy.

Why is alt text so important for your website images?

There are some very good reasons to start adding alt text to your product images. Firstly, it will help you sell more stuff as customers want to understand how things look before they buy. It will also attract more customers to your online store. Alt text is key to what is known as accessible web design; this is the process that ensures that almost anyone, no matter what their ability, can use your online store effectively if they choose to.

The other main benefit of utilising alt text correctly is the boost it will give to your SEO plans. Although search engines are constantly advancing, they still can not see images on websites as humans do. This means that they can sometimes miss a product image on your site that people might be searching for. By adding a text description, it helps the search engines to understand what the images on your site relate to.

If you don’t have an online store to upload product images with alt text to yet, don’t worry – Go Sitebuilder can help. Our online stores include unlimited product listings so you can use alt text to your heart’s content and reach more consumers. Start with a free trial and start building your online store today.