What are the best event website designs?

Senior stylish woman taking notes in notebook while using laptop at home on what are the best event website designs

Do you have an events website that is in need of an update? Or have a flourishing events business but not sure how to build a website? Then look no further! Here we are going to give you the best web design inspiration for your events website. 

Often when businesses start creating a website they start with a website builder. Website builders are a great way of easily building a website for a low monthly price. Go Sitebuilder has a wide range of templates and design ideas to help you decide what is right for your event management website. 

With technology becoming increasingly important in marketing events, having an up to date website is vital. In 2019 52.6% of event professionals increased their spending on technology, proving how important investing in technology is. 

Large professional event website: Telegraph Events

Source: Telegraph Events

This beautiful website is for events hosted by the Telegraph. The layout is simple and easy to navigate using a header as the main navigation tool. The use of dark colours and white writing creates a striking web design. The use of the large picture below the header gives a sense of the type of events they hold as soon as you enter the website.

Foodie festival: The Big Grill Festival

Source: The Big Grill Festival

This bright web design is extremely effective at communicating the spirit of the event and clearly showing what the event is about. The cartoons at the top of the homepage show music, chefs, drinks and bright colours. The simple header allows visitors to easily navigate around the website and simple icons for each social media platform is also very effective. 

Music Festival: Coachella

Source: Coachella

As one of the biggest festivals in the world Coachella has a professional well designed website. The image above is what the homepage looks like once the headings are clicked. As you can see the menu then drops down and there are simple headings to follow. 

However, what is really effective is the small drawings that accompany each menu dropdown, this one being sunglasses. The subtle colours and minimalist design create an aesthetic that matches what you envision when you think of coachella. 

Conference event: Circles Conference

Source: Circles Conference

This homepage for Circle Conference is highly effective and creates a significant impact on the visitor. Immediately you are struck by the bold blue colours and large writing. All the key information is displayed on the homepage, giving a date for the event and the type of conference. Although the menu is somewhat hidden, the two lines in the left hand corner indicate there is more to find out. 

Best use of colours: Image Festival

Source: Image Festival

This bright bold design is slightly different from those mentioned before. This website for an art festival in Rotterdam has a creative slightly vintage feel, with pastel shades and a typewriter style of font. Although the website is slightly crowded with information the menu is clear and the side bar allows more information to be shown. 

Key points to think about for your event website:

So now that you have seen some great examples of web design for events websites you may be thinking about designing your own or updating a current website. Before you do, consider the following points:

  • What style of website do you want? – a minimalist approach or more content on the homepage.
  • Make sure visitors to your website know immediately what kind of event you are holding.
  • Consider the fonts and colour scheme – these must match with the aesthetic of your event and also show visitors what kind of event you are having. Take a look at our blog on how to make your website more visually appealing
  • Consider what kind of photographs/drawings you want to showcase your event. 
  • Ensure you have all the key information on your website and that visitors can find the information easily. 
  • Find a website builder that is easy to use and has a wide range of customising options.

For more information, check out our blog on how to create a successful events website.

If you are ready to start building your events website, then look no further than Go Sitebuilder. With a wide range of features including a range of design templates, our simple website builder design means you can have a professional looking website up and running in minutes. Try our 14-day free trial today!

How to Create a Successful Events Website

Casual Catering Discussion Meeting Colleagues at an event

Are you looking at creating a website for your event? Keen to spread the word on a new exciting occasion? There are some easy steps you can take to raise awareness of your event and create a successful events website. 

Why Create an Events Website?

An events website can increase knowledge of your events and ultimately encourage more people to come to them. A website can communicate key information surrounding your event such as dates and location. Without a website, you are relying on word of mouth or press releases which may not reach as many people as a website can. 

A well-designed website can also portray key aspects of your events such as the event ethos or attract a certain target market depending on how you design and present your event. This is key in ensuring that people who would benefit the most from your event are finding your website easily and are easily directed to all the information they need to attend. 

What are the Key Features of an Events Website?

For every website there are some key features to consider. However, for an events website aspects such as dates, times, location and other details are the most important to communicate clearly with visitors to your website. Some key features to think through when designing your website are:

Important Information: For an events website it is vital you present the important information surrounding your event clearly on your website. This ensures that visitors know immediately about your event and whether or not they can attend. You must include information such as:

Date and Time of the event – Without the date and time visitors cannot know whether they can attend. The date and time should be clearly advertised on the first page or as a header to your website.  

Location and Transport – Perhaps include a Google Map link as well as an address. If the location is difficult to find consider including instructions on how to reach you. Try to include this for multiple types of transport, for example have the nearest train route as well as car directions.

Price – Ensure that you clearly show the price. If this is a multi-day event ensure that you have prices for each day if that is an option. Make sure to include how to purchase the tickets, whether this is on the door or over an online ticket site.  

Type of Event – Is this a music festival or a fundraiser? Or both? Try and present what kind of people will be at this event as well. For example is this a family friendly event, or something for young people? 

Accommodation – If your event spans over multiple days it may be wise to include information regarding accommodation. This may be camping or similar, or advice on where to find accommodation in the city. 

Eye-catching Design: In order for your website to attract as many people as possible, it is crucial to have an engaging website design. Using a good website builder will mean you will be able to easily add features which communicate aspects of your event without having to include paragraphs of content. 

Key aspects of good website design for an events website include: 

Colour and font – Two of the most important aspects of website design is picking a colour and font to use. Different colours portray different emotions or atmospheres. For example a family friendly music festival like Latitude may have bright colours, whereas a heavy metal festival like Download may opt for a darker colour scheme. 

Fonts can also have an impact on the type of event. Often events have a specific font they will use for their logo and throughout their website to create a brand image that is easily recognisable wherever it is used. 

Posters – Events will often have a poster designed which can be displayed on their website, social media platforms and put up around the location. This poster should be eye catching and include all relevant information (including a line up/schedule if this is relevant)

Layout – An effective events website will have a clear layout which is easy to navigate. This should include an ‘about’ page, information and ticket buying facilities (if relevant). Another key aspect many events pages include is a frequently asked questions (FAQs) page, which allows them to provide more information on specific questions regarding accessibility or food suppliers for example. 

A successful events website will consider all of the aspects above in order to attract as many people as possible and create an event which will be talked about for many years to come!

If you are looking to build a website or blog for your company, then look no further than Go Sitebuilder! Our simple design means you can have a professional looking website up and running in minutes, with easily shareable content and information to encourage as many people as possible to attend your events. Try our 14-day free trial today!

3 inspiring event website designs and must-have features

Events websites

Are you looking to create a stand-out events website? If you’re starting from scratch, or simply looking to freshen up an existing website, it’s a good idea take a look at some of the industry’s best for design and content inspiration. Check out three of the UK’s biggest event websites below:

1. Glastonbury Festival

As soon as you visit the Glastonbury website, you are greeted by the warm colours that beam from their header image. With the infamous landscape and sunset design – the graphic is a mirage of what attendees can expect to enjoy in the summer.

Below this, you are drawn to a rainbow of uneven and clickable menu headings, each a little imperfect, replicating the colourful event shacks that attendees will see during their time at the festival. This is a great way to display consistency, letting the website viewers get an idea on what to expect at the actual event.

The colours and art style create a ‘Glastonbury vibe’, giving you an insight into the place where you’ll be wanting to spend a few warm summer evenings. The homepage clearly highlights all the upcoming artists for the years festival, teasing users to what is in store. It’s easy at first glance to be excited, so it’s clear why so many people click straight to the ‘shop’ icon.

Another great feature on the Glastonbury website is the access information page. It features a very recognisable hero image of different disability awareness symbols; a quick and friendly way to show users that they are an all-inclusive event. The access page has a larger font for those with limited visibility and information on how to get into contact with the team with any queries.

2. The Jockey Club – Grand National 2020

Separated by an array of tonal grey boxes, the Jockey Club website is easy to navigate thanks to its simplicity.

Firstly, the heading for each tab is written in capitals, with a contrasting font against the background to get your attention. Each event tab also features key dates, itinerary and various package options. The information is displayed neatly and effectively. This creates an easy to navigate customer journey, allowing the user to find the information they are looking for. The Jockey Club’s website has been broken up in a way that is easy to understand. They have achieved this by using a comfortable amount of white space along with H1, H2, H3 headings. Their content starts with catchy headings, followed by slightly more information, and then an area which allows users to read in-depth about the event. This is a classic strategy with many benefits – but key in getting people to read your website.

3. Social Media Week London

Another exceptional website for events is Social Media Week London. It has a tasteful colour palette with a pop. The website makes great use of white space and grey/lilac tones to draw users to key bits of information.

On their homepage, they use icons to create an easy and effective way to convey information to the site users; such as a globe icon with ’20+ countries’ for people to recognise that this is a global event. Not only is this a great form of quick communication, but it also ties in together with their look and feel.

If you select the three-line menu navigation, a simple plain red pop up filters in front of the page, with short and snappy headings for you to click on, making for easy navigation.
Finally, they use a running banner which scrolls along with the website, which – if you are running an event with sponsors – is a great way to promote them and show potential attendees who may be coming!

So there you have it, our top 3 event website designs and their top features. If you’re looking to construct an eye-catching event website quickly, easily and affordably then start a free trial with Go Sitebuilder – no credit card or technical skills required!

How do I make an events website?

Male smiling at a business event

If you’re looking to make an events website, there are various considerations you should bear in mind when designing your site, to achieve the highest outcomes.

Set goals

As always, think about what you want to achieve from your events website and your purpose or role in the process. One of our favourite ways to do this is by creating a list and answering a few simple questions. Are you selling external events organised by other parties, are you an events organiser who deals with every single aspect of putting an event together, or are you promoting one major event? These answers will define what you should include in your site and how it will all be put together.

Write clear descriptions

If you’re hosting or selling events on your website, it’s essential to include clear, concise and compelling descriptions of what each event is all about. This should essentially cover what the event is, where and when it will take place, who will be speaking or featuring at the event, and what you can expect to gain from attending. Each description should tell a story and provide more insight into your event theme or brand personality.
An FAQ section can also prove handy for all of those commonly-asked questions that event attendees might have.

Choose the right style

The style, layout and design of your events website will be dictated by the kinds of events you feature or host. If your site focuses on children’s party events, then you can use fun, colourful and informal design techniques, whereas organisers of corporate events will need to exude a more formal and professional image with more neutral choices of colours and styles. When designing your website, bear in mind that many viewers will be looking at it on a range of devices, especially smartphones, so incorporate responsive design into the site for easy viewing and navigation – remember, all Go Sitebuilder websites are instantly responsive.

Be visual

An events website without of any visuals will struggle to sell itself, so make sure yours includes images or multimedia of anything relevant to your events. You might wish to feature photos of previous events that have taken place, or even add videos so viewers can get a taste of what to expect and further increase their engagement. Testimonials from previous event-goers also help to strengthen the credibility of your brand.

Use clear calls to action (CTAs)

Crucially, every event you feature on your site should include a call to action. So, if customers want to find out more information or even book or register their place, your site should have easy functions that enable this to happen. Include visual buttons such as ‘book now’, ‘register your place’ or ‘find out more’ throughout your site so that the call to action is clear.

Now you know the basics of getting your events website set up for success, why not start creating your site with Go Sitebuilder today. Get started for free – no technical knowledge and no credit card required!