How can I make my photography website stand out?

Male photographer on a laptop making a website

In a saturated market such as photography, designing a website that stands out from the competition is incredibly important. Whether you are a wedding photographer or a visual travel blogger, creating a website that reflects your personality can result in new clients. 

This can be done through a variety of means. The visual aspects of your website such as colours and font are important, as are features such as specialised services and offers. If you are looking for ways to make your photography website stand out then read on!

Making your Photographs Centre Stage

As a photography business, the most important part of your website design should be to make your photographs the focal point of your website. Your photographs should be the main selling point to potential customers visiting your website, so  to show your work off to the best quality consider the following:

High-Quality Images: the best way to showcase your images is to present them in a high-quality format. High-quality images show the professional quality of your services. By presenting your images in this format you can show your work in the best light and have a higher chance of gaining new clients through your website. 

Spacing: a key element of website design is the layout. This is especially key when you are a photography business. The spacing of your photographs is important when presenting your photographs. Placing your images too close together can result in a crowded website. 

An effective gallery: in order to show a large range of images on one webpage a well-designed gallery is important. An effective gallery will clearly show a range of images without looking crowded. A key aspect is also a feature to allow visitors to click on each image and see a larger version and find out more information about it. If you choose to have a scroll-through gallery, make sure your best photos are at the beginning and at the end – these are the photos that your visitors will remember the most. 

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Creating Visual Impact

One way to make your website stand out is to carefully consider what visual aspects you need to include to create impact. Visual elements such as colours and fonts can portray your brand image and show a customer what kind of photography business you have. Some elements to think about are:

Colour Scheme: certain colours are associated with particular brands or occasions. For example, a white and gold theme may imply a wedding photographer, whereas brighter colours may imply a more informal family portrait photographer.  

Font: different fonts can create different impressions on visitors to your website. More traditional fonts, such as Times New Roman, give a sense of professionalism. Whereas more unique fonts give a sense of individuality. Whichever kind of font you choose for your website, the main focus should be to portray your brand identity whilst maintaining a professional web design. A general rule of thumb in design is to have one ‘Serif’ font and one ‘Sans Serif’ font, using one for headings and another for body text. 

Logo: an easy way to show off your brand is the design of your logo. This should be something you can display on your website and use in aspects of your business such as business cards. Your logo should be eye-catching and professional.

Consider Layout and Navigation

Another key element of any good website design is the layout of elements of your website. This includes features such as the layout of menus and photographs on your website. One key thing to keep in mind when designing the layout is that less is more. By including as many elements as possible you risk overcrowding your website and making it difficult for visitors to navigate. 

The layout of your website should be simple, with clean lines and panels which are easy to navigate. Elements should be intuitive for visitors of your website, for example, collect all your best wedding photographs on one page and all landscapes in another to allow visitors to find the images they are looking for easily. 

Clear Contact Options

With any online business having clear contact options are incredibly important. If visitors to your website have to search for a long time to find your contact options, it may deter them from contacting you. As a rule, keeping contact options at the bottom of every web page makes sure visitors know how to contact you.  

If you are looking to build a website for your company, then look no further than Go Sitebuilder! Our simple design means you can have a professional-looking website up and running in minutes. With built-in features such as image galleries, a professional photography website is quick and easy to design. Try our 14-day free trial today.