A domain name is the address where your customers can find your site online. An individual domain name will instantly make your website look professional and help to build credibility for your brand. It’s just as unique as your fingerprint, so no two websites can have the same domain name – helping your visitors to easily find you online.
Choosing your domain name is just the start of your professional online presence when you build your own website – adding personalised emails will boost your brand’s presence and build trust among your customers. Pick up to five different email addresses in the format of hello@yourbusiness.com
Easily connect any domain you own to your Go Sitebuilder website using our website builder’s simplified domain mapping tools.
Enabling your free SSL certificate ensures any connection to your website is secure, authenticates your identity and boosts your search engine rankings. And, you don’t need to be a professional website builder to do this – our ready to go site means all you need to do is turn it on!
There’s no need to worry about purchasing extra hosting packages from third parties. You’ll get safe, secure and reliable hosting included in your website when you sign up for any Go Sitebuilder subscription.